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Article: 7 Ways Fasting Can Do Wonders For Your Skin!

7 Ways Fasting Can Do Wonders For Your Skin! - Shankara India

7 Ways Fasting Can Do Wonders For Your Skin!

The practice of fasting has been a part of many faiths and traditions since time immemorial. Research shows fasting helps brain growth too. But who knew it has such amazing benefits for your skin!? Fasting literally means to abstain from all or some kind of foods and drinks for a limited period of time.
Three Primary Ways Yoga Helps Deal With Postpartum Depression - Shankara India

Three Primary Ways Yoga Helps Deal With Postpartum...

“The initial 40-day period after delivery of my baby was quite difficult, as during that time I felt weak, both physically and emotionally, and wanted the same love and attention as my baby. During...

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6 Ways Milk Can Do Wonders For Your Skin - Shankara India

6 Ways Milk Can Do Wonders For Your...

We are here to sing the glories of a glass of milk in this article. It is widely known what milk can do for the health and nourishment of your body. But also, milk is indispensable for a gorgeous a...

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