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Article: Keeping Vata In Check For A More Enjoyable Travel

Keeping Vata In Check For A More Enjoyable Travel - Shankara India

Keeping Vata In Check For A More Enjoyable Travel

Traveling, Especially Air Travel Will Naturally Aggravate Vata.

Vata, according to Ayurveda (a 5000 year old science of healing based on the understanding of the laws of nature and the five elements) is a combination of the air and space elements. It is responsible for circulation, elimination, and movement and does marvelous things for us; but when it is out of balance, it may start causing certain problems. You may naturally feel less grounded, have difficulty concentrating, or taking in information. You may feel anxious, worried, or more sensitive in general (i.e. to loud noises, people or other stimulus) and feel unable to handle stress very well. In your body you may experience difficulty falling asleep, have tension headaches, dry skin, feel cold and achy among other things.

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