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Article: Busy Mind? Here's How I Learned to Calm It Down

Busy Mind? Here's How I Learned to Calm It Down

Busy Mind? Here's How I Learned to Calm It Down

Have you ever looked through social media and seen photographs of individuals in perfect lotus poses, seeming to radiate inner peace? Maybe you've attempted meditation before, only to find your mind racing with to-do lists and fears. If so, you are not alone. Meditation is sometimes depicted as a mystical condition of perfect mental stillness, but the truth is far more approachable.

Here's the truth: meditation requires practice. It is not about reaching zen master-level calm, but rather about developing a new connection with your mind. It's about learning to watch the continual chatter in your thoughts without becoming consumed by it.

Imagine your thoughts as a crowded marketplace. There are vendors selling tensions, fears, and to-do lists. Some calmer sellers provide moments of inspiration and delight. Meditation prepares you to traverse this marketplace, noting the noise but without being fixated in any one stall.


Why Meditation, Despite the Initial Challenges?

  1. Stress Less, Live More: Chronic stress is a health wrecker. Meditation helps you step back from the stress spiral by allowing you to observe your thoughts and choose your response. With regular practice, you'll find yourself reacting more calmly to stressful situations.
  2. Sharpen Your Focus: Our digital world bombards us with distractions. Meditation helps improve your attention, allowing you to focus more intently on the task at hand, whether it's work, relationships, or simply enjoying a cup of coffee.
  3. Boost Your Self-Awareness: Meditation is a journey of self-discovery. By observing your thoughts and emotions without judgment, you gain a deeper understanding of who you are, your values, and what truly matters to you.
  4. Improve Your Sleep: Can't seem to turn off your brain at night? Meditation helps quiet the mental chatter that often keeps us awake. Meditation paves the way for deeper, more restful sleep by calming the nervous system.

My Learnings From All These Years Of Meditation:

Meditation Is a Practice That Takes Time and Effort

From my own experience, I started meditation with skepticism. I found myself restless, my mind flooded with worries and to-do lists. But over time, through regular practice, I noticed subtle shifts. Meditation, I realized, is a skill that needs to be developed with patience and persistence.

There Is No Right or Wrong Way to Meditate

I initially like many people worried that I was not meditating correctly. The truth is, there is no single right way to meditate. What matters most is focusing on relaxation and being present in the moment. Whether you're sitting, lying down, or walking, what counts is the intention and the practice of being mindful.

Benefits of Meditation

Reduces Stress and Anxiety: Meditation helps manage stress and anxiety, giving you tools to observe your thoughts without getting entangled in them.

Improved Focus: By training your attention muscles, meditation helps you concentrate better on your tasks, enhancing productivity and mindfulness in daily activities.

Greater Self-Awareness: Meditation fosters a deeper understanding of yourself, helping you align with your values and what truly matters in life.

Tips for Getting Started with Meditation

Start Small: Begin with 10–15 minute sessions and gradually increase the duration as you get more comfortable.

Find Your Comfort Zone: Choose a posture that allows you to relax with a straight spine. It can be sitting on a chair, on the floor with or without back support and even lying down.

Embrace the "Monkey Mind": Your mind will wander, and that's okay. When you notice your thoughts drifting, gently acknowledge them and bring your attention back to your breath.

Guided Meditation is Your Friend: There are countless guided meditations available online and in apps. These can be a great way to ease into meditation, especially for beginners (I started with guided meditation from YouTube by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar).

Make it a Habit: Consistency is key. Aim to meditate daily, even if it's just for a few minutes. Schedule it into your calendar like any other appointment.

Explore Different Meditation Techniques

Sudarshan Kriya by the Art of Living: One powerful technique to consider is Sudarshan Kriya, developed by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar and taught by the Art of Living Foundation. This practice involves specific breathing patterns that helps in releasing stress, enhance clarity of mind, and promote overall well-being. Sudarshan Kriya is renowned for its ability to harmonize the body, mind, and emotions, making it a valuable addition to your meditation practice.

Don't Be Afraid to Experiment: There are different meditation techniques, from focusing on your breath to focusing on different body parts or repeating a mantra (a calming word or phrase). Explore different methods and find what resonates with you.

The Importance of a Motivational Tool

Creating a meditation schedule can help you stay committed. Rewarding yourself for sticking to it can make the practice more enjoyable and sustainable. Whether it's treating yourself to a favorite snack or taking a relaxing bath, find little ways to celebrate your consistency.


Remember, meditation isn't about stopping your thoughts. It's about learning to observe them with kindness and detachment. It's about creating space in your mind so you can choose your response to life's challenges, rather than being ruled by them. So, take a deep breath, find your center, and embark on this journey of inner exploration. You might be surprised by what you discover.

By incorporating meditation into your daily routine, and exploring techniques like Sudarshan Kriya, you can transform your relationship with your thoughts and lead a more balanced, mindful life.

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